Access torrent website in India using https

Last year, Indian Government has blocked torrent websites in India to prevent duplicate selling of software. movie and music.
But still many of torrents user are downloading their contents from torrent. They use some proxy sites like HIDE ME PRXY, or they are also using VPN(Virtual Private Network). 
If you are not to much aware about these prxy and Vpn usage. 

So let me tell you about, "how can you access torrent link like by just chaning links . has been changed to But while you are gonna try these link your will find a message on  your desktop that is , "Your requested URL has been blocked as per the directions received from Department of Telecommunications, Government of India. Please contact administrator for more information."

But while enter instead of using, then you will be able to access torrent and download all the contents which are available on this website. 

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